办学理念和核心价值观 School Philosophy and Core Values

- 每个孩子都有学习能力,并且有不同的学习方式。
- 每一次的成功和失败都是宝贵的学习机会。
- 向学生灌输良好价值观,培养正确习惯,教导学生积极地建立优雅社会。
- 学生的全面发展至关重要。
- 快乐和高滋养的环境能促进学习。
- 学习必须有意义,学生才能内化于心。
In Tao Nan, every staff and pupil makes a difference.
We believe:
- Every child has the capacity to learn and each learns differently.
- Every success and failure delivers a lesson.
- In instilling good values and cultivating proper habits and the ways towards building a gracious society.
- The holistic development of our pupils is important.
- Effective learning takes place in a happy and nurturing environment.
- Learning must be meaningful for it to be internalised.
- 以学生为中心,确保每个孩子都能有效地学习。
- 帮助每个学生从错误中学习,以取得更大的成功。
- 通过树立榜样,向学生灌输良好的价值观,让他们养成正确的习惯。
- 提供全人教育,让学生在 “德智体群美”五育中获得健全发展。.
- 为有效的学习创造快乐和高滋养的环境。
- 提供有趣且有意义的课程,确保学生的学习质量。
We pledge to:
- Be pupil-centric in our teaching and learning to ensure that every child learns effectively.
- Help every pupil learn from the mistakes they have made to achieve greater success.
- Be good role models for our pupils in instilling good values and cultivating proper habits.
- Provide a holistic education for our pupils in the Moral, Intellectual, Physical, Social and Aesthetic domains.
- Create a happy and nurturing environment for effective learning.
- Deliver interesting and meaningful lessons to ensure quality learning for our pupils.

Love 仁爱
Respect 尊重
Integrity 正直
Sincerity 诚恳
Perseverance 毅力
Responsibility 尽责